Carlingford Public School

Telephone02 9841 5100


Years 3 - 6 band program

The band program at Carlingford Public School is open to children from Years 3 - 6. It consists of two bands - the training band for those who are just beginning to learn their instrument and the performance band, where those who have been playing their instrument for at least a year play more challenging music.

Both bands rehearse before school, one morning a week and the members are committed to practicing their pieces during the week. It is a requirement of the band program that each member has a private lesson with a tutor once a week. We have tutors in many of the instruments giving lessons before or after school. The P&C also hires out instruments to the students.

The Bands perform at various school functions, and go 'on tour' at the end of each year to play for retirement villages and nursing homes, providing much pleasure for the residents. The performance band also takes part in the Ryde Eisteddfod. We have a band workshop each year on a Sunday, where the children come to school for tuition and band practice. The day culminates in a concert for parents.

There is a band information night in Term 4 for those children and families who are interested in joining the program in the following year. Some of the instruments are demonstrated, and there is a chance to ask questions.

The band program is run by a sub-committee of the P&C Association. They assist in the organisation and running of the bands, and the band workshop, and help out at performances. They meet once a term to plan and give ideas

Download our band handbook:

Years 3 - 6 choir

At the beginning of each year, students from Years 3 - 6 can join the Carlingford Public School choir. This choir performs at various venues such as Carlingford court shopping centre, and on special school days such as open day during education week. The choir also prepares each year for the Hills District performing arts festival held in September.

The choir teams up with four other schools to create a combined choir for the Hills music festival. The students from the various schools attend practice prior to the main performance. This gives our students the opportunity to meet other students and work with them and the teachers to create choral singing at its best.

Many of the students first join the choir in Year 2 at the end of the year when a special Christmas choir is formed to perform at the 'Choir of Angels' at the Epping Club. This choir also performs at Carlingford court shopping centre and local nursing homes to spread some Christmas cheer. 

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